We are pleased to announce that FAIN / TOTAL FIRE FIGHTING SOLUTION (http://www.fainkorea.com) , a leading provider of Fire & Safety Equipment has entrusted Magna Mare - Consulting & Engineering in supporting them to optimize their Business Operations, redefine customer segments and establish a Streamlined Marketing strategy ensuring sustainable growth.
Amidst a crisis that cant no longer be ignored, Marine Equipment Manufacturers must make a decision that will define their future beyond this crisis.
Fast adaptation of #digitization and #optimization of revenue generating channels are essential to weather the crisis and get ready for the decade ahead.
Our Innovative Business Development solutions for Korean Marine Equipment Manufacturers rely heavily to extensive NB Market #reaserch , use of #innovative technologies such as #augmentedreality for showcasing products & services as well as Inspection procedures , tailor made #Marketing strategy directed to key clients & markets and applied Customer relationship Management #CRM Tools to ensure customer satisfaction and retention.
